Maestro2: Meeting the Challenge, Maintaining the Lead

With its fully automated function, compact design, and expandable modules and features, Topcon Healthcare’s Maestro was well received by the market when it was first launched in 2014 due to its user-friendly features. With the advent of OCT angiography (OCT-A) and its ability to present the vascular network of the retina, and the one page Hood glaucoma report, Topcon launched the Maestro2 in 2018, which quickly became the leading product in the company’s OCT portfolio. Global sales topped 10,000 units in 2019 and rose to 15,000 in 2021. In March 2023, the Maestro2 is approaching its next sales milestone of 20,000 units worldwide.* In the UK, the device is also approved for use on the NHS Diabetic Eye Screening (DES) Program, an annual screening service to check for eye problems caused by diabetes.
The rapid adoption…
Source : Features of the New Optometrist | March 2023